EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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1,332 lines
* Domains.C
* Domain handing code.
#include "ctdl.h"
#include "2ndfmt.h"
* history
* 90May20 HAW Created.
* contents
* DomainInit() Initializes domains. Call once only.
* EatDomainLine() Eats a line from map.sys.
* CheckDomain() Helps search lists for a domain.
* CmpDomain() Helps sort a list of domains.
* DomainMailFileName() Creates a filename for mail for a domain.
* GetDomain() Create a domain entry for domain mail.
* UpdateMap() Updates Map.sys.
* WriteDomainMap() Helps write out Map.sys.
* DomainFileAddResult() Finishes dealing with a piece of domain mail.
* RationalizeDomains() Checks all active domains for integrity.
* DomainRationalize() Checks a single domain for integrity.
* KillDomain() Takes a domain out of list and disk.
* FindDomainH() Helps find a domain handler in a list.
* EatDomainH() Eats a line from ctdldmhd.sys.
* ViaHandle() Handles a 'via' line from ctdldmhd.sys.
* HandleExistingDomain() Process a domain we serve.
* SetCallout() Sets callout flags depending on domains.
* SetUpCallOut() Finds direction to sling domain mail.
* CallOutWork() Work fn to find direction ...
* ClearSearched() Clears a search marker for each domain.
* DomainOut() Manages transmission of domain mail.
* SendDomainMail() Does actual work of transmitting domain mail.
* SystemInSecondary() Check for name in secondary list(s).
* SearchSecondary() Work fn for above.
* EatCosts() Eat a line from ctdlcost.sys.
* FindCost() Helps find the cost for a given domain.
* WriteDomainContents() Handles .EN? in Mail.
* DomainLog() Handles the file DOMAIN.LOG.
* RouteHere() Is domain mail meant for here?
* LocalName() Is given system local?
* lifo() Last in First Out fn for the lists.
#define MAPSYS "map.sys"
#define WeServe(x) SearchList(&Serves, x)
* Required Global Variables
* DomainDir
* Variables of this sort define the mapping between a domain name and the
* directory containing outstanding mail bound for that domain. Typically,
* a domain with no mail will not have an allocated variable.
* UsedFlag - a temporary flag indicating that domain mail was sent during
* the last network connection. Used for performance reasons.
* Domain - The name of the domain represented by this record.
* MapDir - The "name" of the directory containing the mail for this domain.
* This is a number; each domain is given a unique number amongst those
* active, starting with 0. When access to the mail is desired, this number
* is used to form the name.
* HighFile - The next file name (also formed from numbers starting at 0) to
* use for incoming mail for this domain.
* TargetSlot - Index into CtdlNet.Sys indicating the system to pass this mail
* to. When we're connected with a system and its call out flags indicate
* domain mail is bound for it, we use this flag to quickly find if this
* domain is bound for the current node connection. The flag is set when
* the system initially comes up (or the record is created) by checking
* against the contents of CTDLDMHD.SYS.
typedef struct
char UsedFlag; /* indicates domain was sent during last call */
label Domain; /* name */
UNS_16 MapDir; /* dirnum */
UNS_16 HighFile; /* next filename */
int TargetSlot; /* who do we pass this stuff on to */
DomainDir *GetDomain(char *DName, char create);
* DomainHandler
* Defines a domain handler. Records of this type are read in from
* ctdldmhd.sys and its brethren.
* domain - Name of the domain.
* nodeId - ID of the domain server for the domain.
* searched - Temporary flag indicating if the attempt to trace the next
* system to attempt to find in CtdlNet.Sys has already been checked. Lets
* us avoid infinite loops.
* via - A hint on how to connect to this system.
typedef struct Dh
char *domain;
char *nodeId;
char searched; /* avoids infinite loops */
struct Dh *via; /* how to reach this domain */
* Some useful static functions.
static void WriteDomainMap(DomainDir *data);
static void KillDomain(int *MapDir);
static void DomainRationalize(DomainDir *data);
static void *FindDomainH(DomainHandler *data, char *name);
static void *EatDomainH(char *line);
static void DomainLog(char *str);
static void *EatCosts(char *line);
static void *CheckDomain(DomainDir *d, char *str);
static void *EatDomainLine(char *line);
static int CmpDomain(DomainDir *s, DomainDir *t);
static int SetUpCallOut(char *DName);
static int CallOutWork(char *DName);
static int lifo(void);
static void *ViaHandle(char *line);
* List of domain handlers -- source: CTDLDMHD.SYS, CTDLDMHD.LCL.
static SListBase DomainHandlers =
NULL, FindDomainH, lifo, free, EatDomainH
* List of costs for domains (from ctdlcost.sys).
static SListBase Costs =
NULL, ChkStrtoN, NULL, NULL, EatCosts
* Current domain mail in #DOMAINAREA -- map of directories to domain names.
SListBase DomainMap =
NULL, CheckDomain, CmpDomain, free, EatDomainLine
char *DomainFlags = NULL;
UNS_16 UnknownCost = 1;
extern CONFIG cfg;
extern NetBuffer netBuf, netTemp;
extern NetTable *netTab;
extern FILE *upfd, *netMisc, *netLog;
extern int thisNet;
extern MessageBuffer msgBuf;
extern logBuffer logBuf;
extern label HomeId;
extern char *READ_ANY, *WRITE_TEXT;
extern int RMcount;
extern SListBase Serves;
extern char inNet;
* This code is responsible for managing the domain part of Citadel-86.
* The domain directory consists of a single file and a collection of
* directories.
* MAP.SYS: this contains a mapping between the directory names and the
* domain mail they purport to store. Format:
* <number><space><domain><highest filename>
* DIRECTORIES (1, 2,...): these contain the actual outgoing mail, plus a file
* named "info" which will hold the name of the domain (for rebuilding
* purposes).
* DomainInit()
* This function initializes the domain stuff. It's called from NetInit(),
* addNetNode(), and from RationalizeDomains, so it has to open the relevant
* files only once.
* Appropriate lists are created, call out flags set, etc.
void DomainInit(char FirstTime)
void HandleExistingDomain(), SetCallout();
SYS_FILE temp;
if (FirstTime)
makeSysName(temp, MAPSYS, &cfg.domainArea);
MakeList(&DomainMap, temp, NULL);
makeSysName(temp, "ctdlcost.sys", &cfg.netArea);
MakeList(&Costs, temp, NULL);
makeSysName(temp, "ctdldmhd.sys", &cfg.netArea);
MakeList(&DomainHandlers, temp, NULL);
makeSysName(temp, "ctdldmhd.lcl", &cfg.netArea);
MakeList(&DomainHandlers, temp, NULL);
/* now we should scan for any domain we serve, and if any are there */
/* we need to arrange to send that mail to their recipients. */
RunList(&DomainMap, HandleExistingDomain);
if (DomainFlags != NULL) free(DomainFlags);
if (cfg.netSize != 0)
DomainFlags = GetDynamic(cfg.netSize); /* auto-zeroed */
/* This will also set the temporary call out flags, eh? */
RunList(&DomainMap, SetCallout);
* EatDomainLine()
* This function parses a line from map.sys. Map.sys is kept in the
* #DOMAINAREA and maps the from the name of each domain with outstanding
* mail and the directory it resides in. Directories are numerically
* designated. Format of each line is
* <directory name> <domain name> <last file number>
* This function, since it's used by calls to MakeList, returns a void pointer
* to the assembled data structure.
static void *EatDomainLine(char *line)
DomainDir *data;
char *c;
data = GetDynamic(sizeof *data);
data->UsedFlag = FALSE;
data->TargetSlot = -1;
if ((c = strchr(line, ' ')) == NULL)
return NULL;
*c++ = 0;
data->MapDir = atoi(line);
line = c;
if ((c = strchr(line, ' ')) == NULL)
return NULL;
*c++ = 0;
strCpy(data->Domain, line);
data->HighFile = atoi(c);
return data;
static char CheckNumber = FALSE; /* double duty switcheroonie */
* CheckDomain()
* This is used to look for a domain in a list. The search can either be on
* the directory number or the domain name.
static void *CheckDomain(DomainDir *d, char *str)
int *i;
if (!CheckNumber)
if (strCmpU(d->Domain, str) == SAMESTRING) return d;
i = (int *) str;
if (*i == d->MapDir) return d;
return NULL;
* CmpDomain()
* This function is used in the list of domains with mail to keep the domains
* in * numerical order. The list is kept in numerical order to make MAP.SYS
* a bit more tractable.
static int CmpDomain(DomainDir *s, DomainDir *t)
return (int)(s->MapDir - t->MapDir);
* DomainMailFileName()
* This function is called when FR 9 has been received: someone wants to send
* us routemail with a domain attached. We are responsible for creating a
* good filename for it, setting flags etc. Return REFUSE if we can't accept
* mail (for fatal or other reasons), LOCALROUTE if we are the domain server
* and we know the target, OURS if we are the target, DOMAINFILE if we need
* to store the file in a domain directory.
* NB: the caller of this function provides security.
* See DomainFileResult().
* NB: this can also be called for local users sending domain mail
char DomainMailFileName(DOMAIN_FILE buffer, label DName, label NodeId,
label NodeName)
DomainDir *data;
char temp[10];
* The first clause of this if statement is necessary for the following
* scenario. If we're in net mode, suppose the caller is conveying
* domain mail which, as it happens, it will be the route for the
* final leg of the mail. (Yes, this actually happened in practice --
* an LD node was accessible only via a local node to the hub.) Now,
* if this if isn't structured this way, when the incoming domain mail
* is deciphered, it will be assigned to this node WHILE the call is
* active, including the activation of the mail routing flag. When the
* call terminates, these same flags will be turned OFF. Net result
* (if you'll pardon the pun) is that R*.* files will be left in #NETAREA
* and will NOT be delivered. Tsk tsk. Therefore, in doResults(),
* a call to RationalizeDomains() is made which will clean up the domain
* directories after a call.
if (cfg.BoolFlags.debug)
splitF(netLog, "DomainMail(%d, %s, %s, %s)\n",buffer,DName,NodeId,NodeName);
if (inNet == NON_NET && WeServe(DName) != NULL)
/* since we're server, we don't search the secondary lists */
if (FindTheNode(NodeId, NodeName))
if (netTemp.nbflags.RouteTo)
strCpy(NodeId, netTemp.netId);
if (cfg.BoolFlags.debug)
splitF(netLog, "result LOCALROUTE: NodeId=%s\n",NodeId);
* don't return if either conditional fails. if we don't know
* about the node, still accept the mail for delivery, and see
* the use of HandleExistingDomain(), which is called each time
* the system is brought up. If it's a node we know about but
* don't like, accept the mail anyways -- just in case we changes
* our mindses. if we don't, well, hey, too bad.
* rare, but possible case - mail meant for us but we don't serve the
* domain, it's just getting routed via us. this also picks up all
* cases where domain mail is being sent to the domain-server.
if (RouteHere(NodeId, NodeName, DName))
if (cfg.BoolFlags.debug)
splitF(netLog, "result Ours\n");
return OURS;
/* ok, we need to store it in its proper domain */
data = GetDomain(DName, TRUE); /* GetDomain() creates, etc. */
sPrintf(temp, "%d", data->HighFile++);
MakeDomainFileName(buffer, data->MapDir, temp);
static FILE *fd;
* GetDomain()
* This function is used to find the given domain in the installation's
* current outstanding mail. If no such domain exists, then create the
* data structure and the directory entry. In either case, return a pointer
* to the appropriate record. This should never return NULL.
DomainDir *GetDomain(char *DName, char create)
DomainDir *data;
int i;
if ((data = SearchList(&DomainMap, DName)) == NULL)
if (!create) return NULL;
/* create it */
data = GetDynamic(sizeof *data);
data->UsedFlag = FALSE;
strCpy(data->Domain, DName);
data->HighFile = 0;
CheckNumber = TRUE;
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
if (SearchList(&DomainMap, &i) == NULL) break;
data->MapDir = i;
AddData(&DomainMap, data, NULL, FALSE);
MakeDomainFileName(buf, data->MapDir, "info");
if ((fd = safeopen(buf, WRITE_TEXT)) != NULL)
fprintf(fd, "%s", DName);
CheckNumber = FALSE;
/* UpdateMap(); don't update -- let caller do it */
return data;
* UpdateMap()
* This function is charged with updating MAP.SYS with new information.
* Most of the work is done in WriteDomainMap().
void UpdateMap()
SYS_FILE temp;
void WriteDomainMap();
makeSysName(temp, MAPSYS, &cfg.domainArea);
if ((fd = safeopen(temp, WRITE_TEXT)) != NULL)
RunList(&DomainMap, WriteDomainMap);
* WriteDomainMap()
* This writes out an entry of the domain map.
static void WriteDomainMap(DomainDir *data)
fprintf(fd, "%d %s %d\n", data->MapDir, data->Domain, data->HighFile);
* DomainFileAddResult()
* This function handles the result of a domain file addition. This is paired
* with DomainMailFileName() and should always be called after it has been
* used to give out results.
void DomainFileAddResult(label DName, label system, label NodeId, char result)
DomainDir *data;
char work[100];
if ((data = GetDomain(DName, FALSE)) == NULL)
printf("URP IN DOMAINS!");
if (result == DOMAIN_SUCCESS)
if ((data->TargetSlot = SetUpCallOut(DName)) == ERROR)
if (WeServe(DName) != NULL)
sPrintf(work, "Mail for unknown system %s.", system);
if (WeServe(DName) != NULL)
/* since we're server, we don't search the secondary lists */
if (!FindTheNode(NodeId, system))
sPrintf(work, "Mail for unknown system %s.", system);
else if (data->HighFile == 1)
sPrintf(work, "Don't know how to reach domain %s.", DName);
/* failure -- assume caller erases file */
if (--data->HighFile == 0)
/* this indicates empty dir */
MakeDomainFileName(buf, data->MapDir, "info");
KillData(&DomainMap, data->Domain); /* data's ptr is now invalid */
static SListBase KillDomains =
static char Change;
* RationalizeDomains()
* This function goes through all the domains checking for empty domains and
* domains with file lists with "holes" in them (caused by a node rejecting
* some routemail -- won't happen in C-86 [probably], but there's nothing in
* the rules to say it can't happen). This should be called after each network
* call involving domain-mail transmissions.
void RationalizeDomains()
Change = FALSE;
RunList(&DomainMap, DomainRationalize);
KillList(&KillDomains); /* clears list and kills empty domains, too */
if (Change) UpdateMap();
DomainInit(FALSE); /* reset temp call out flags */
* DomainRationalize()
* See RationalizeDomains for detail.
* NB: this could be made far more efficient someday by keeping track of the
* last gap, or keeping a list of successfully sent mail files, or ... ?
static void DomainRationalize(DomainDir *data)
int rover, rover2, lasthit = -1;
char temp[10], temp2[10];
DOMAIN_FILE buffer, buffer2;
if (data->UsedFlag)
data->UsedFlag = FALSE;
Change = TRUE;
for (rover = 0; rover < data->HighFile; rover++)
sPrintf(temp, "%d", rover);
MakeDomainFileName(buffer, data->MapDir, temp);
if (access(buffer, 0) != 0)
/* hole found */
for (rover2 = rover + 1; rover2 < data->HighFile; rover2++)
sPrintf(temp2, "%d", rover2);
MakeDomainFileName(buffer2, data->MapDir, temp2);
if (access(buffer2, 0) == 0)
/* end of gap */
rename(buffer2, buffer); /* rename file */
lasthit = rover;
else lasthit = rover;
if (lasthit == -1)
MakeDomainFileName(buffer, data->MapDir, "info");
/* we can't kill the data right now 'cuz we're in list processing */
/* so we'll store it and kill it later */
AddData(&KillDomains, &data->MapDir, NULL, FALSE);
else data->HighFile = lasthit + 1;
* KillDomain()
* Kills a domain from DomainMap.
static void KillDomain(int *MapDir)
CheckNumber = TRUE;
KillData(&DomainMap, MapDir); /* KABOOM! */
CheckNumber = FALSE;
* FindDomainH()
* This finds the named domain handler on the domain handler list.
static void *FindDomainH(DomainHandler *data, char *name)
return (strCmpU(data->domain, name) == SAMESTRING) ? data : NULL;
* EatDomainH()
* This eats a line from ctdldmhd.sys. Notice the support for the 'via'
* capability.
static void *EatDomainH(char *line)
DomainHandler *data;
char *c;
label temp;
if ((c = strchr(line, '#')) != NULL) *c = 0; /* kill '#' */
if (strlen(line) <= 3) return NULL;
/* if line is of format "domain via domain" then handle that */
/* characterized by lack of colon */
if ((c = strchr(line, ':')) == NULL)
return ViaHandle(line);
if ((c = strchr(line, ' ')) == NULL)
printf("WARNING: badly formed ctdldmhd.sys (1:-%s-).\n", line);
return NULL;
*c++ = 0;
if ((c = strchr(c, ':')) == NULL)
printf("WARNING: badly formed ctdldmhd.sys (2:-%s-).\n", c);
return NULL;
data = GetDynamic(sizeof *data);
data->domain = strdup(line);
normId(c, temp);
data->nodeId = strdup(temp);
return data;
* ViaHandle()
* This handles a line of format "domain via domain" for EatDomainH(). It
* always returns NULL since it's only setting up the link, not creating a
* new record.
static void *ViaHandle(char *line)
/* we're guaranteed of no comments on line */
char *space, *via;
DomainHandler *target, *viadomain;
if ((space = strchr(line, ' ')) == NULL)
printf("WARNING: badly formed ctdldmhd.sys (3:-%s-).\n", line);
return NULL;
*space++ = 0;
if (strncmp("via ", space, 4) != 0)
printf("WARNING: badly formed ctdldmhd.sys (4:-%s-).\n", space);
return NULL;
/* no failure guaranteed ... */
via = strchr(space, ' ') + 1;
if ((target = SearchList(&DomainHandlers, line)) != NULL)
if ((viadomain = SearchList(&DomainHandlers, via)) != NULL)
target->via = viadomain;
* since we aren't building a new record but instead are creating a link
* between two records, so we always return NULL.
return NULL;
* HandleExistingDomain()
* This is called to check to see if a domain with outstanding mail happens to
* be served by this installation. If so, then that mail must be processed:
* mail for this system delivered to the designated users, mail for other
* systems setup to be delivered to them if they can be identified.
void HandleExistingDomain(DomainDir *dir)
label temp;
int rover;
char *domain;
SYS_FILE newfn;
extern FILE *netMisc;
label nodeId, nodeName;
char *c, oldNet;
extern char RCount, SCount, *R_W_ANY;
extern char inNet;
extern int (*NetCharSource)(void);
extern int RouteSlot;
* we save the inNet state because this code may be called during a
* non-netting state (system init), while it works better when inNet
* is in a network state. But this code is also called during network
* processing, too, so ... we have to push and pop the state or things
* may get screwy. At least we lose the routing information (where a
* message came from) at the moment.
oldNet = inNet;
inNet = NORMAL_NET; /* cheat */
if ((domain = SearchList(&Serves, dir->Domain)) != NULL)
for (rover = 0; rover < dir->HighFile; rover++)
sPrintf(temp, "%d", rover);
MakeDomainFileName(buffer, dir->MapDir, temp);
if ((netMisc = safeopen(buffer, READ_ANY)) != NULL)
getMsgStr(getNetChar, nodeId, NAMESIZE);
getMsgStr(getNetChar, nodeName, NAMESIZE);
for (c = nodeName; *c; c++)
if (*c == '_') *c = ' ';
/* first check against ourselves (!) */
if (RouteHere(nodeId, nodeName, domain))
RCount = SCount = 0;
NetCharSource = ReadRouted;
while (getMessage(ReadRouted, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE))
msgBuf.mbaddr[0] = 0; /* just in case */
NetCharSource = getNetChar;
dir->UsedFlag = TRUE;
if (AcceptRoute(nodeId, nodeName))
strCpy(nodeId, netTemp.netId);
/* kludge around a bug (does it exist anymore?) */
if (netTemp.nbHiRouteInd < 0) netTemp.nbHiRouteInd = 0;
sPrintf(temp, "R%d.%d", RouteSlot, netTemp.nbHiRouteInd++);
makeSysName(newfn, temp, &cfg.netArea);
MoveFile(buffer, newfn); /* use system dep */
if ((netMisc = safeopen(newfn, R_W_ANY)) != NULL)
fprintf(netMisc, "%-20s", nodeId);
netTemp.nbflags.HasRouted = TRUE;
putNet(RouteSlot, &netTemp);
dir->UsedFlag = TRUE;
inNet = oldNet ;
* SetCallout()
* For some domain with outstanding mail, find out what system we'll be
* sending that mail to and setup that value.
void SetCallout(DomainDir *data)
data->TargetSlot = SetUpCallOut(data->Domain);
* SetUpCallOut()
* This is responsible for discovering what system should be called for
* delivering mail to the designated domain. It returns the index of the
* node to receive the domain mail (whether final destination or simply a
* transshipper). If we serve the domain then return Error.
* NB: This is an interface function to the routines which actually handle
* setting the proper call out flags and returning the proper index. The
* function itself initializes the data structure for the search (by
* resetting flags in the DomainHandlers list) and then calling something
* else to conduct the search. This structure is called for due to the
* recursive nature of the search.
void ClearSearched(DomainHandler *Domain);
static int SetUpCallOut(char *DName)
RunList(&DomainHandlers, ClearSearched); /* clears searched flag */
return CallOutWork(DName); /* do possibly recursive work */
* CallOutWork()
* This does actual work of SetUpCallOut(). This is separated from the
* calling function because we want to modularize the actual search ability
* from the callers, but we must clear the search flags of the list once.
* Since recursion is employed to follow the links of the 'via' pointers,
* we are forced to this measure.
* Oh, yes. This function searches for the domain handler responsible for
* the given domain. If not found, we use the MailHub designee as the
* recipient of this domain mail. If found, it then tries to find if we
* connect directly with that server. If so, we set the domain mail call
* out flag for that node and return the node's index to the caller. If we
* don't connect directly (i.e., node is not in the list), then we try to
* follow the 'via' pointers until a connection is found. If never found,
* then use the MailHub, otherwise use and return the found node.
* If we serve the domain, return ERROR.
* We use the search flag in each element of the DomainHandler's list to
* prevent "infinite recursion" syndrome.
static int CallOutWork(char *DName)
DomainHandler *Domain;
UNS_16 Slot;
extern int RouteSlot;
if (WeServe(DName) != NULL) return ERROR;
if ((Domain = SearchList(&DomainHandlers, DName)) != NULL)
if ((RouteSlot = searchNet(Domain->nodeId, &netTemp)) != ERROR)
DomainFlags[Slot = FindRouteSlot()] = TRUE;
return (int) Slot; /* and get out now */
* if we've searched this node before then we're in a loop and had
* better stop. We handle the if clause this way as most efficient.
if (Domain != NULL && !Domain->searched)
/* if a "via" is known, trace it */
Domain->searched = TRUE; /* infinite loop vaccine */
if (Domain != NULL && Domain->via != NULL)
return (int)CallOutWork(Domain->via->domain); /* recurse it */
else if (Domain != NULL && Domain->searched)
printf("Loop detected\n");
/* unknown hub or domain -> mailhub */
if (cfg.MailHub != 0)
if ((RouteSlot = searchNameNet(cfg.codeBuf + cfg.MailHub, &netTemp))
DomainFlags[Slot = FindRouteSlot()] = TRUE;
return (int) Slot; /* and get out now */
return (int)ERROR;
* ClearSearched()
* Work function to clear the search field of a domain handler.
void ClearSearched(DomainHandler *Domain)
Domain->searched = FALSE;
static int DMCount;
static char LCheck; /* groan -- inadequacy of list processing */
* DomainOut()
* This function is tasked with sending all domain mail to the current system
* we're connected to that is destined for that system. Actually, it just
* cycles through all current domains and lets another function handle the
* real work.
int DomainOut(char LocalCheck)
void SendDomainMail();
LCheck = LocalCheck;
DMCount = 0;
RunList(&DomainMap, SendDomainMail);
return DMCount;
* SendDomainMail()
* This does the actual work of sending the mail. It cycles through all the
* mail in the given domain's directory, sending each piece in sequence.
* Rejected mail, if any, is kept for another try later, and later processing
* will close up any "holes" left in the numerical naming sequence for mail
* files. That same later processing will also kill empty directories.
void SendDomainMail(DomainDir *data)
int rover, result;
label temp, Id, Name;
if (!gotCarrier()) return;
/* This domain is to be delivered to current system? */
if (data->TargetSlot == thisNet)
data->UsedFlag = TRUE;
for (rover = 0; rover < data->HighFile; rover++)
sPrintf(temp, "%d", rover);
MakeDomainFileName(buffer, data->MapDir, temp);
if ((result = SendRouteMail(buffer, data->Domain, Id, Name, LCheck))
else if (result == REFUSED_ROUTE)
sPrintf(msgBuf.mbtext, "Domain mail for %s _ %s not accepted by %s.",
Name, data->Domain, netBuf.netName);
* SystemInSecondary()
* This looks for the given system in the secondary lists. If a domain
* was specified then just return almost immediately.
char SystemInSecondary(char *Name, char *Domain, char *dup)
int rover;
char *sep;
SYS_FILE secondary;
label name;
char WorkName[(NAMESIZE * 2) + 1];
char SearchSecondary(char *secondary,char *Name,char *Domain,char *isdup);
strCpy(WorkName, Name);
/* is the domain specified already? if so, parse it */
if ((sep = strchr(WorkName, '_')) != NULL ||
(sep = strchr(WorkName, '.')) != NULL)
*sep++ = 0;
if (strchr(sep, '_') != NULL ||
strchr(sep, '.') != NULL)
return FALSE; /* no subdomains */
if (strLen(sep) < 1) return FALSE;
strCpy(Name, WorkName);
strCpy(Domain, sep);
*dup = FALSE; /* by definition */
return TRUE;
Domain[0] = 0;
for (rover = 0; rover < 100; rover++)
sPrintf(name, "nodes%d.fst", rover);
makeSysName(secondary, name, &cfg.netArea);
if (access(secondary, 0) != 0) break;
if (SearchSecondary(secondary, Name, Domain, dup)) break;
strCpy(WorkName, Name);
/* make sure we found something and it's not us */
return (char)( (Domain[0] != 0 &&
strCmpU(Name, cfg.codeBuf + cfg.nodeName) != SAMESTRING &&
strCmpU(UseNetAlias(WorkName,FALSE), cfg.codeBuf + cfg.nodeName)
* SearchSecondary()
* This does the actual work of searching a secondary list for a system.
char SearchSecondary(char *secondary,char *Name,char *Domain,char *isdup)
FILE *fd;
int bucket;
char found, *tab, *c, *tab2;
char line[90];
JumpInfo JumpTable[BUCKETCOUNT];
if ((fd = fopen(secondary, READ_ANY)) == NULL)
return FALSE;
fread(line, VERS_SIZE + 1, 1, fd);
fread(JumpTable, sizeof JumpTable, 1, fd);
for (bucket = 0; bucket < BUCKETCOUNT; bucket++)
bucket = (isdigit(Name[0])) ? Name[0] - '0' :
toUpper(Name[0]) - 'A' + 10;
fseek(fd, JumpTable[bucket].offset, 0);
found = FALSE;
*isdup = FALSE;
if (fgets(line, sizeof line, fd) == NULL) break;
if ((tab2 = strchr(line, '\n')) != NULL)
if( tab2 )*tab2 = 0;
if (strlen(line) == 0)
if (line[0] <= ' ')
switch (line[0])
case DUP:
*isdup = TRUE;
default: printf("Ooop!");
c = line + 1;
else c = line;
tab = strchr(c, '\t');
if( tab )*tab++ = 0;
if (strCmpU(c, Name) == 0)
found = TRUE;
if (strCmpU(c, Name) > 0) break;
while (!found);
if (found)
if ((tab2 = strchr(tab, '\t')) != NULL)
if( tab2 )*tab2++ = 0;
strCpy(Domain, tab);
if (tab2 != NULL) /* alias? Copy it into search string */
strCpy(Name, tab2);
return found;
* EatCosts()
* This function eats a line from ctdlcost.sys and returns a structure
* containing the cost suitable for inclusion into a list.
static void *EatCosts(char *line)
NumToString *data;
char *c;
if ((c = strchr(line, ' ')) == NULL) return NULL;
*c++ = 0;
if (strCmpU(line, "Unknown") == SAMESTRING)
UnknownCost = atoi(c);
return NULL;
data = GetDynamic(sizeof *data);
data->string = strdup(line);
data->num = atoi(c);
return data;
* FindCost()
* This finds the cost of sending mail to a given domain.
UNS_16 FindCost(char *domain)
UNS_16 *data;
if ((data = SearchList(&Costs, domain)) == NULL)
return UnknownCost;
return *data;
* WriteDomainContents()
* This writes the secondary list in readable format by reading NODES*.RAW.
void WriteDomainContents()
int rover;
SYS_FILE secondary;
label name;
int count = 0;
char line[80], vers[VERS_SIZE + 1];
char work[80], *c;
FILE *fd, *fd2;
extern char *READ_TEXT;
for (rover = 0; rover < 100; rover++)
sPrintf(name, "nodes%d.raw", rover);
makeSysName(secondary, name, &cfg.netArea);
if ((fd = fopen(secondary, READ_TEXT)) == NULL)
/* make sure the raw version genned the fst version */
sPrintf(name, "nodes%d.fst", rover);
makeSysName(secondary, name, &cfg.netArea);
if ((fd2 = fopen(secondary, READ_ANY)) == NULL)
GetAString(line, 80, fd); /* gets version line */
fread(vers, 1, VERS_SIZE, fd2);
vers[VERS_SIZE] = 0;
if (strCmpU(line, vers) != SAMESTRING)
while (GetAString(line, 80, fd) != NULL)
if (strncmp(line, ".domain", 7) == SAMESTRING)
if (count != 0) doCR();
strCpy(work, strchr(line, ' ') + 1);
if ((c = strchr(work, ' ')) != NULL) *c = 0;
count = 0;
mPrintf("In domain %s", strchr(line, ' ') + 1);
if (FindCost(work) != 0)
mPrintf(" (%d LD credits):", FindCost(work));
if (strchr(line, ':') != NULL) continue;
if (strLen(line) == 0) continue;
mPrintf("%s", line);
if (++count % 3 == 0)
count = 0;
SpaceBug(28 - strLen(line)); /* EEEESH */
mPrintf("%*c", 28 - strLen(line), ' ');
if (count != 0) doCR();
* DomainLog()
* This writes out a message to the domain log.
static void DomainLog(char *str)
SYS_FILE name;
char work[200];
extern SListBase Errors;
sPrintf(work, "(%s %s) %s", formDate(), Current_Time(), str);
makeSysName(name, "domain.log", &cfg.domainArea);
CallMsg(name, work);
if (inNet == NON_NET)
AddData(&Errors, strdup(str), NULL, FALSE);
netResult(str); /* netResult() will add time/date stuff */
* RouteHere()
* Returns true if the mail is meant for this installation.
char RouteHere(char *Id, char *Name, char *Domain)
label temp1;
char *c;
extern label HomeId;
normId(Id, temp1);
if (strCmpU(temp1, HomeId) == SAMESTRING) return TRUE;
if (!normId(Id, temp1))
strCpy(temp1, Name);
for (c = temp1; *c; c++)
if (*c == '_') *c = ' ';
if ((Domain == NULL ||
strCmpU(Domain, cfg.codeBuf + cfg.nodeDomain) == SAMESTRING ||
WeServe(Domain) != NULL) &&
(strCmpU(cfg.codeBuf + cfg.nodeName, Name) == SAMESTRING ||
strCmpU(cfg.codeBuf + cfg.nodeName,
UseNetAlias(Name, FALSE)) == SAMESTRING))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* LocalName()
* This function takes a string of form <system> _ <domain> and attempts to
* discover if this domain mapped system is actually a local. This is used
* when we're sending mail and are trying to find out if a Who Else override
* needs to be generated. Ugly kludge, but, hey, that's what programming's
* all about, eh?
char *LocalName(char *system)
char *domain, *System;
if ((domain = strchr(system, '_')) == NULL) return system;
domain += 2; /* always preceded by a space -- or so we assume */
if (strCmpU(domain, cfg.codeBuf + cfg.nodeDomain) == SAMESTRING ||
WeServe(domain) != NULL)
System = strdup(system);
if ((domain = strchr(System, ' ')) == NULL)
return system; /* should never happen, though */
*domain = NULL;
if (searchNameNet(System, &netTemp) != ERROR)
return netTemp.netName;
return system;
* lifo()
* Universal function for causing Last In First Out lists to occur in the
* SList stuff.
static int lifo()
return 1;